miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

The Doctor

     The Doctor

    • Which is Dr McKee speciality?
      • The Dr Mckee is a surgan.
    • Is he a good professional? Why?
      • As a person not but as a professional yes.
    • How does the trat patients?
      • It does not empathize, it makes bad jokes, it is too direct and unpleasant.
    • Describe how he acts in the operating theatre.
      • Listen music while it operates.
    • Is his behaviour appropiate? Why?
      • No whith others, sungs, doctors.
    • What is he diagnosed from? 
      • He diagnosed a thought tumor.
    • Which treatment does he receive?
      • He is receive a radiaton, sirugy and ressonance.
    • Describe the relationship between Jack and June.
      • The relationship between Jack and Junes is good.
    • What does Jack ask the new interns to do at the end of the film? Why?
      • Jack dressing for patients but to see what it feels like to be a patient.
    • Summarize in one sentence what you think is the most important thing you have learnt from his film.