miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

activitys 1,2,3,4

PAGE108 ACTIVITY 1: Complete these sentences in your notebook whit the correct nationality: 

1-He's from Beijing. He's 

2-He's from Athens. He's 
a) Greek 

3-He's from Canberra. He's 
e) Australian. 

4-He's from Rome. He's 
b) Italian

5-He's from Brussels. He's
c) Belgian 

6-He's from Tokyo. He's 
c) Japanese

7-He's from Moscow. He's 
d) Russian 

8-He's from Brasilia. He's 
e) Brazilian

9-He's from Amsterdam. He's 
b) Dutch

10-He's from Madrid. He's 
a) Spanish

PAGE 109 ACTIVITY 2: Look at the flags below and write in your notebook the name of the countries and their nationalities 

He is from France,
he is French

He is from England,
he is English 

He is from Greece,
he is Greek

He is from China, 
he is Chinese

He is from Spain, 
he is Spanish 

He is from Mexico, 
he is Mexican

He is from USA, 
he is American 

He is from Russia, 
he is Russian

PAGE 109 ACTIVITY 3 Complete in your notebook the following crossword with the appropriate countries. 

1-  Austria 
2- Spain
3- England
4- Greece 
5- Ireland
6- Slovenia
7- Italy 
9- France
8- Poland
10- Sweden

PAGE 110 ACTIVITY 4: Complete the following sentences in your notebook with the suitable language or nationality.

2- Norwegian
3- Dutch
4- Russian
5- Turkey
6- Welsh
7- Italian
8- Swedish
9- Poland
10- Catalan
11- Pakistan
12- Romanian
13- Chinese 
14- English
15- French

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